Countryside KidsWe seek to provide and minister to children through education, worship, activities, and fellowship. Countryside Baptist Church offers preschoolers and children a loving environment from which to grow in their knowledge of God. We provide opportunities for children to build relationships, learn from the Bible, be creative and play with friends. Our prayer is that each child will grow and respond to a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ when led by the Holy Spirit.
Ignite Youth &
MissionsBelieving the ‘great commission’, Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8, given to the church, we endeavor to send the gospel around the world. Through prayer and consistent financial giving, we support home and foreign missions.
J.O.Y. Senior MinistryMindful of advancing age and possible loneliness, we bring our seniors together for monthly times of fellowship, shopping, restaurant excursions and church meetings. The senior adults who are physically able are involved in everything at Countryside.
Embrace Womens MinistryEmbrace provides missions education and promotion in our church. The ladies provide studies, set offering goals, and promote the church’s giving to missions causes. In addition to these tasks, Embrace provides opportunities for our ladies to take an active role in mission work. Mission action projects are planned and carried out here in our church and community. The ladies meet on the first Sunday of each month at 5:00 PM.
Our Music Ministry Worship service is the time when we acknowledge that God is worthy to be praised. Through music, the choir at Countryside do more than sing. They give God praise by ministering through song. The Music Ministry of CSBC seeks to reach and minister to all ages. We embrace various styles of music such as hymns, anthems, spirituals, gospels, contemporary gospel and praise and worship.